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Damage Assessment
A major emergency management organization needed a process to automate their damage assessment operations during a disaster. Current processes were manual, paper and MS Excel based processes, which made it a challenge to get accurate and timely information from affected areas. A WEB-based EOC process was provided allowing field staff to quickly capture data. Data entry was provided via system login and phone app, making data collection possible when network connectivity was unavailable. This process also gave decision-makers operational visibility to critical information much faster than before, allowing citizens to receive federal assistance 50 percent faster.
Law Enforcement Status
The chief of a major metropolitan police department with 1100 members, needed the ability to quickly see a snapshot of available department resources. A WEB-based EOC dashboard was created providing visibility of current staffing levels, split out by key capabilities along with infrastructure and special operations asset status. Situational awareness was provided from the office of the police chief to the officer on the beat.

Covid Logistics
A major emergency management organization needed a process to automate their dispersal of Covid-19 PPE. In the initial days of the response, resource management was manual, paper and MS Excel based processes, which made it a challenge to be responsive to resource requests. A WEB-based EOC process was provided allowing staff to intuitively manage all phases of the process, with vendor relations, procurement and inventory tracking. This process gave decision-makers operational visibility to critical information much faster than before, allowing over 3.5 million items to be provided to those in need.
Covid Field Ops
A global health entity active in 190 countries, needed better capability for working in the field on mobile devices and with low connectivity. Upgrades were provided to improve application response time when users experience an intermittent or slow internet connection, while improving application stability and reliability. This upgrade gave field staff enhanced capability to continue to do their job in remote conditions.

Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Tracking
A US state emergency management organization needed a process to manage their response to a highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) event. A WEB-based EOC process was provided to track response efforts throughout the state and coordinate with federal partners at the United States Department of Agriculture. This process gave decision-makers operational visibility to critical information much faster than before, allowing them to more effectively manage the event.
Hospital Staff Accommodations
A level one trauma center, employing over 700 physicians and 1,500 nurses, needed a process to manage worksite staff accommodations. At times, winter weather conditions prohibited staff turn over between shifts. A process was needed to ensure continuity of operations, allowing lodging areas to be established to manage logistics for staff to stay on-site. A WEB-based EOC process was built to manage registrations, track availability and keep records of staff stays.

Road Status
A major emergency management organization needed a process to track daily road closures including debris management during severe weather. A WEB-based EOC process was created with participants from the 911 center, DOT, Police, Fire and Power companies.
Verified road closures are then published to a public facing website using WEB-based EOC.
Verified road closures are then published to a public facing website using WEB-based EOC.
WebEOC Knowledge Center Corvena is a registered trademark of the Juvare subsidiary, Esi Acquisition, Inc., a Juvare company, and that the use of WebEOC by Crisis Systems is in no way connected to or in partnership with Juvare or ESi Acquisition, Inc.
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